Kylie Minogue: A 37-Year Love Affair

I still remember the year when she came into my life: 1986. I was 12 and instantly hooked. I never anticipated back then that she would become a life-long passion, that one day I would get to meet her, that I would draw so much strength and support from her. But when first appeared on Neighbours, something just resonated. I was enthralled.

I went to see her with her sister Dannii on Young Talent Time. As they sang Sisters Are Doin’ It for Themselves, it cemented my fandom. When Locomotion was released in 1987, I had to buy it. My collection had started, and with every spare cent, I would buy the latest vinyl or magazine. During those days, I shared a room with my brother and my side was filled with Kylie, even the ceiling.

Pivotal moments throughout my life are framed by Kylie’s music. Through my teenage angst and bullying, I relied on her songs to survive. Amid my unhappiness, I was able to look forward instead to each Kylie item I was able to obtain. When I’ve had to summon my strength, I’ve played my all-time favourite Kylie song, Better The Devil You Know, which has made me feel empowered to stand up for myself, just like Kylie has had to do at times. To cope in sad moments, I’ve taken strength from Kylie’s 2014 single Into the Blue.

But her songs have not only helped me through dark times, they’ve also highlighted the best times of my life. To celebrate getting my first car, I drove down the road singing along to I Should Be So Lucky blasting through the speakers. In 1999 , and of course, Kylie’s music featured at the wedding. My daughter was born in 2008, the same year Kylie’s X album was released. She was born to the song, The One.

Over the years my collection has grown alongside my income, and has moved from a cabinet to its own dedicated room. I have everything from her perfumes, music, dolls and posters to clothing and wines — as long as it’s Kylie and it’s official. Living in Perth doesn’t make it easy to see Kylie perform but when she comes here, I’m there at every show. I’ve also flown to Sydney to watch her perform before flying home the next day.

At every stage of my life, Kylie has been a part of it. The amount I’ve spent on Kylie’s memorabilia, travel and shows probably amounts to around $250,000. I think my wife would rather that money be in the bank, but she knew when we met that I was a Kylie fan. She knew what she was getting herself in for.

While I may make sacrifices to buy merchandise, my wife and daughter always come first and Though my wife does sometimes ask why I picked her. “I look nothing like her,” she says. I tell her I was looking for somebody who’s going to love me and support me. I wasn’t out there looking for Kylie. Kylie’s up on a pedestal. She’s unattainable. It’s never going to happen. And if it did, that would be a miracle.

My greatest wish was always to be able to meet Kylie. I’ve come close during her shows. I’ve handed her a bouquet of roses and another time, a T-shirt. Once she gave me a feather from one of her dancer’s fans towards the end of a show. I thought these moments would be the closest I would ever get to her. I was wrong.

After I did a TV interview about my collection ahead of her Golden Tour, the network got in touch to tell me Kylie wanted to meet me. So on 9 March 2019, with a bouquet of roses in hand, I walked backstage to see Kylie waiting for me. I thought I would faint or cry, but I started giggling like a schoolgirl.

She just put her hand on my shoulder and said, “Are you okay?” And then she just gave me a big hug. Finally, I had the opportunity to thank her for everything that she had done for me, to tell her that her music had been the soundtrack to my life. For 15 minutes I had her undivided attention. We talked and laughed and she took the time to meet my wife and daughter. I asked her for one final favour: to sign my arm. The next morning I had it tattooed, my third Kylie tattoo.

They say you should never meet your idol because the reality will never match the fantasy. But meeting Kylie has only strengthened my love for her. It’s been 37 years since I was first enthralled by her on Neighbours. In that time, my life has been so much more enjoyable having her in it. I get to celebrate, be inspired and find strength in Kylie’s music. She’s my passion.

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