Labour MP Drops F-Bomb Live on ‘Good Morning Britain’, Forcing Susanna Reid to Apologize

Susanna Reid, the 53-year-old ITV anchor, apologized on Tuesday’s episode of ‘Good Morning Britain’ after Labour MP Yvette Cooper, 55, mistakenly swore live on air. The incident occurred during an interview where the Shadow Secretary of State for the Home Department criticized the government’s Rwanda plan, referring to it as a ‘gimmick’ and quoting the Home Secretary as using a derogatory term to describe it. Reid promptly intervened, apologizing for the inappropriate language and stating that such words could not be used on television. Cooper responded with her own apology, acknowledging the error.

Despite the brief interruption, both Reid and Cooper maintained a professional demeanor throughout the segment. The discussion focused on the controversial Rwanda plan, which aims to deter illegal immigration by sending asylum seekers to Rwanda for processing. Despite passing through Parliament, the plan has been met with criticism from opposition parties, including Labour. Cooper reiterated her stance that the plan is a ‘gimmick’ and that her party would scrap it if elected.

The incident highlights the challenges of live broadcasting and the need for caution when discussing sensitive or controversial topics. Reid’s quick thinking and professionalism in handling the situation allowed the interview to continue without further disruptions.

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