Lakewood High School’s Unified Theater Class Presents ‘The Jungle Book’

Lakewood High School’s Unified Theater class, a unique program that pairs neurotypical and neurodivergent students, recently staged a production of ‘The Jungle Book.’ The students, who worked diligently throughout the semester to perfect their lines, put on an impressive performance that showcased their talents and the power of collaboration.

Unified Theater is a truly unique class at Lakewood, according to Torrey Lin Weiner, a senior at the school and vice president of Lakewood High’s Theater Company. The class is split half-and-half between neurotypical and neurodivergent students, creating a supportive and inclusive learning environment.

One of the students, Atticus Dorfman, a freshman, plays a turtle in ‘The Jungle Book.’ He said his favorite part of the play is his costume. His coach, senior Nathaniel Olivares, assists him in his role, providing support and guidance.

Another student, Chase Nair, a junior, is responsible for maintaining the energy levels of her castmates. She rates everyone from a scale of red, ‘very very low,’ to green ‘very hyper.’

Anna Rinehart, a Lakewood High School senior, said her favorite part of the class is its unpredictability. She enjoys the spontaneous and fun moments that make the class so special.

Torrey Lin Weiner produced a documentary about the class and its production of ‘The Jungle Book.’ He hopes to inspire other schools with theater programs to add unified classes, demonstrating that there are no barriers to inclusion in the arts.

The Unified Theater class at Lakewood High School is a shining example of how collaboration and acceptance can create a positive and enriching learning experience for all students, regardless of their abilities.

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