Prepare to be captivated by ‘Last Call,’ the fast-paced and enthralling business show hosted by the renowned Brian Sullivan. Airing weeknights at 7 p.m. ET on CNBC, ‘Last Call’ embarks on an illuminating exploration of the intricate interplay between money, culture, and policy.
Sullivan, a seasoned expert in the business realm, guides viewers through a thought-provoking analysis of the forces that shape our economy and influence our daily lives. Each episode delves into the dynamic intersection of finance, culture, and public policy, providing a comprehensive understanding of the complex tapestry that governs our world.
‘Last Call’ offers a unique blend of in-depth interviews with industry leaders, insightful commentary from experts, and engaging storytelling that brings the intricacies of business and finance to life. Sullivan’s ability to break down complex concepts in a clear and engaging manner makes ‘Last Call’ accessible to viewers of all backgrounds.
Whether you’re a seasoned investor, a budding entrepreneur, or simply curious about the forces that drive our economy, ‘Last Call’ is an essential viewing experience. Join Sullivan on his nightly quest to unravel the mysteries of money, culture, and policy, and gain a deeper understanding of the world around you.