Lawyers Spar in Lawsuit Over Humboldt Broncos Bus Crash

A Regina courtroom is the setting for a legal battle over whether the truck driver and Saskatchewan government can be removed as defendants in a lawsuit stemming from the Humboldt Broncos bus crash. The tragic incident in 2018 claimed the lives of 16 people and injured 13 others when a rookie trucker disregarded a stop sign and collided with the junior hockey team’s bus at a rural intersection near Tisdale, Saskatchewan.

Sheila Caston, the lawyer representing the truck driver, Jaskirat Singh Sidhu, and Calgary-based Adesh Deol Trucking, argued that Saskatchewan’s Automobile Accident Insurance Act, which provides no-fault insurance, bars any claims for damages from crash-related injuries unless expressly permitted by the act. Caston emphasized that the plaintiffs’ case hinges on the accident itself and the resulting bodily injuries, which are not covered under the legislation.

However, Sharon Fox, representing the hockey families, countered that the government’s continued involvement as a defendant is crucial. She asserted that the harm suffered by the families goes beyond property or economic interests and that holding the government accountable is essential to prevent impunity.

The plaintiffs’ lawyer, Kevin Mellor, emphasized the unconstitutionality of barring the families from pursuing their lawsuit against all named defendants. The hearing, which began on Wednesday, is scheduled to conclude on Friday. A lawyer for the government is yet to present their arguments.

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