Leaders Call for Cooperation in Travel and Tourism at New Champions Meeting

At the Meeting of the New Champions in Dalian, leaders from China, Poland, and Vietnam united in their call for cooperation to navigate global uncertainty and harness the power of the Fourth Industrial Revolution. They specifically emphasized the critical role of travel and tourism, recognizing its potential to drive economic growth and facilitate cultural exchange, ultimately building a more interconnected and resilient global community.

Klaus Schwab, Founder and Executive Chairman of the World Economic Forum, set the stage in his welcome address, stating, “To drive future economic growth, we must embrace innovation and foster collaboration across sectors, regions, nations, and cultures to create a more peaceful, inclusive society and resilient future.”

Chinese Premier Li Qiang further elaborated on the need for global collaboration, emphasizing the importance of navigating today’s complex economic landscape with a long-term perspective. “In the current context, the right choice is to approach development issues with a longer view and broader minds and join hands with others,” he said. He reaffirmed China’s commitment to market liberalization, noting that “the rapid rise of China’s new industries is a testament to the principal role of enterprises and innovation. Enterprises stand at the forefront of the market. They are most sensitive to changes in demand and have the strongest desire for innovation.” He identified three key technology fields – artificial intelligence, green energy, and biomedicine – as having the potential to become “multitrillion-dollar industries.”

Li highlighted the impact of China’s pursuit of high-quality production drivers, stating that it has not only spurred China’s economic development but also “created greater cooperation space for companies around the world.” He emphasized that “in many ways, the depth of international cooperation determines the height of human development,” advocating for stable and smooth industrial and supply chains, as well as advancing trade and investment, all crucial for global economic growth.

Polish President Andrzej Duda shared insights into Poland’s remarkable economic transformation over the past three decades, stating, “Poland has experienced unprecedented growth, becoming a leader in Central Europe.” He highlighted Poland’s strategic location, stating, “Our strategic location and dynamic development make Poland an excellent place for investment, and I encourage all to explore the opportunities our country offers.”

Vietnamese Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh underscored Vietnam’s commitment to sustainable and inclusive development, focusing on digital and green economies. He emphasized that “the future hinges on innovation, climate action, and high-quality human resources,” advocating for a people-centered and comprehensive approach, “ensuring benefits for all.”

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