Left-Wing Media’s Outrageous Hypocrisy: Alito’s Flag vs. Kavanaugh’s Assassination Attempt

The liberal media’s double standards have reached an astonishing level. While they have remained deafeningly silent on the foiled assassination attempt on Justice Brett Kavanaugh in 2022, they have breathlessly reported on the inconsequential matter of Justice Samuel Alito’s wife displaying an upside-down flag.

This outrageous hypocrisy is exemplified by the taxpayer-funded National Public Radio (NPR), which has churned out multiple stories on the Alito flag frenzy but has never produced a single feature on the Kavanaugh assassination attempt. NPR’s Supreme Court reporter, Nina Totenberg, who has a long history of bias against conservative justices, has found ample time to cover the Alito-flag non-story but has shown no concern for Kavanaugh’s safety.

The media’s relentless focus on Alito’s flag is part of a wider campaign to discredit the Supreme Court’s conservative majority. This campaign has included attacks on Justices Clarence Thomas and Ketanji Brown Jackson, and it reached a new low with MSNBC host Chris Hayes and regular extremist Elie Mystal’s baseless accusations of racism and support for insurrections against Alito and Thomas.

The left-wing media’s obsession with undermining conservative justices is rooted in their desire to maintain their domination of government. They view any challenge to their agenda as an ‘insurrection’ and will stop at nothing to discredit those who dare to dissent.

The media’s failure to report on the Kavanaugh assassination attempt and their disproportionate coverage of the Alito flag incident is a shameful display of bias and a betrayal of their duty to inform the public fairly and objectively.

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