Lithuania Rejects Belarus’ Aerial Strike Claim as ‘Nonsense’

A Lithuanian military spokesman has vehemently rejected Minsk’s claims of an attempted aerial strike as “nonsense.”

On Thursday, Belarus asserted that it had intercepted attempted drone strikes by Lithuania on its territory. However, Lithuanian authorities have swiftly dismissed the claim as a fabrication.

Ivan Tertel, the head of the Belarusian Committee for State Security (KGB), stated that the KGB, in collaboration with partners, had implemented security measures that thwarted attacks by combat drones from Lithuania on targets in Minsk and its surrounding areas. Notably, he failed to provide any evidence or specifics, alleging that “radicals” in Lithuania and Poland were producing drones to target Belarus.

Gintautas Ciunis, Lithuania’s military spokesman, responded to the claim by declaring it “nonsense” and stating that he could not find a more appropriate term.

The Lithuanian crisis management center condemned the Belarusian KGB’s statements as “hostile provocation” and an “informational attack” against Lithuania, emphasizing that they bear no relation to reality and may also be intended for domestic consumption in Belarus.

It is important to note that Belarus is a steadfast ally of Russia, which has deployed tactical nuclear weapons, missiles, and troops within its borders. President Alexander Lukashenko, a staunch authoritarian leader, has repeatedly asserted that Belarus would repel any attempt by Ukraine or NATO countries to attack it.

While Belarusian forces have refrained from direct involvement in the Russia-Ukraine conflict, the country served as a launchpad for Russian forces that entered Ukraine’s northern region.

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