LNER Launches ‘Our Planet’ Train with Bio-Based Livery, Emphasizing Sustainable Travel

In a significant step towards more sustainable travel, LNER has introduced a new train aptly named ‘Our Planet’. This train boasts a unique livery applied using a partially bio-based material, marking a first for the UK rail industry. The launch of ‘Our Planet’ coincides with World Car Free Day on September 22nd, 2024, serving as a timely reminder of the railway’s crucial role in promoting a low-carbon economy.

The innovative livery, produced by 3M, is a testament to LNER’s dedication to environmental responsibility. The company’s commitment to reducing its carbon footprint is evident in the fact that LNER trains emit seven times less carbon dioxide than driving and fifteen times less than flying. Since the introduction of its Azuma trains in 2019, LNER has achieved a remarkable 47% reduction in carbon emissions. This initiative builds upon LNER’s pledge to become a net-zero business by 2045.

Looking ahead, LNER has announced its intention to incorporate environmentally sustainable products and materials for future train liveries, further solidifying its commitment to sustainability. ‘Our Planet’ is not just a train; it’s a symbol of LNER’s dedication to promoting a more environmentally conscious approach to travel.

Inside the train, posters highlight LNER’s ongoing efforts to minimize waste, increase circular systems, and optimize business efficiency. These initiatives contribute to LNER’s broader vision of being ‘Better for People, Places, and Planet.’

Warrick Dent, Safety & Operations Director and Responsible Business Chair at LNER, emphasized the crucial role of rail in leading the charge towards low-carbon travel in the UK. He stated, “With this opportunity ahead, we feel it’s our responsibility to remind people of the positive impact they are making if they take the train over other, less environmentally friendly, modes of transport.”

The decision to adopt a bio-based livery reflects LNER’s commitment to sustainability across all aspects of its operations. Jamie Barker, Head of Rail at Stewart Signs, the company applying the livery, shared, “Like LNER, we are committed to delivering innovative and sustainable solutions that minimize the impact on our industry and environment. We are proud to continue our long-standing relationship with LNER, working alongside them to deliver their amazing ‘Our Planet’ wrap. We will continue to support LNER in their drive to use the most sustainable materials available.”

The ‘Our Planet’ train, identified as unit 801204, will be deployed on various destinations along LNER’s East Coast route. This initiative serves as a powerful message, encouraging individuals to choose sustainable modes of transport and contribute to a greener future.

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