In a heartwarming tale of perseverance and serendipity, a McMaster University graduate has been reunited with his lost graduation ring after an astounding 47 years. Morgan Perigo, who had graduated from the Canadian university in 1965, lost his cherished ring to the unforgiving depths of the ocean during a family vacation to Barbados. Despite numerous attempts to recover it, Perigo had long resigned himself to the fact that his ring was gone forever.
However, fate had other plans. Recently, Alex Davis, a professional freediver with a passion for underwater exploration, stumbled upon a glimmer of gold while using a metal detector off the southern coast of Barbados. The object turned out to be a gold graduation ring bearing three unmistakable clues: the inscription “McMaster University,” the year “1965,” and the initials “FMP.”
Intrigued, Davis set about finding the ring’s rightful owner. He reached out to McMaster University, where the details on the ring led them to Karen McQuigge, the director of alumni engagement. McQuigge, with her expertise in university records, quickly located a 1965 graduate named Frederick Morgan Perigo, matching the initials inscribed on the ring. She provided Davis with Perigo’s contact information, setting the stage for an emotional reunion.
Upon contacting Perigo, Davis discovered the story behind the ring’s disappearance. In 1975, while on the beach in Barbados with his young son, Perigo had been caught in a wave. As he helped his son back to their feet, the ring slipped off his finger and was swept away by the relentless tide. The family searched desperately but were unable to find the ring, leaving Perigo heartbroken.
Years passed, and the memory of his lost ring faded into a bittersweet reminder of a cherished moment. Perigo, now an elderly man, had long accepted his loss. However, Davis’s discovery reignited hope and brought the ring back into his life after almost half a century.
The reunion was marked by both joy and disbelief. Perigo was overwhelmed with emotion as he held his long-lost graduation ring once again. Davis, the unsung hero of the story, remained humble, stating, “The sea gives and the sea takes.” He emphasized that returning the ring to its rightful owner was a natural choice: “I never felt like it was my ring.”
Remarkably, the ring was found in near-perfect condition. Despite spending nearly five decades submerged in the ocean, it showed minimal signs of corrosion. The central stone, likely a garnet, gleamed brightly, untouched by time’s relentless march.
This extraordinary tale of loss and rediscovery serves as a reminder of the enduring power of human connection and the unexpected ways in which life can circle back. The story highlights the dedication of individuals like Alex Davis who are committed to preserving history and reuniting lost treasures with their rightful owners. It also underscores the enduring significance of cherished symbols, like graduation rings, that mark milestones in our lives and hold profound personal value.