Lufthansa’s Annual General Meeting: Overwhelming Support for Resolutions

The 71st Annual General Meeting of Deutsche Lufthansa AG, held virtually on May 10, 2024, witnessed the participation of approximately 1,500 shareholders through online channels. Representing 39.7% of the company’s share capital, these shareholders voted on eight agenda items, all of which were overwhelmingly approved.

Among the key decisions reached was the endorsement of actions taken by both the Executive Board and the Supervisory Board during the 2023 financial year. The meeting also approved the allocation of balance sheet profits, resulting in a dividend distribution of EUR 0.30 per share.

Another significant event was the election of new members to the Supervisory Board. Sara Hennicken, CFO of Fresenius Management SE, joined the board as a newly elected member. Additionally, Dr. Thomas Enders, former CEO of Airbus SE, Harald Krüger, former Chairman of the Management Board of Bayerische Motorenwerke Aktiengesellschaft, and Britta Seeger, a member of the Management Board of Mercedes-Benz Group AG, were re-elected to continue their service on the Supervisory Board.

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