Sara and Tim’s relationship on the show was a tumultuous one, marked by fiery arguments and the infidelity scandal. Despite Tim’s initial outburst about his wife’s ‘fiery’ side on their honeymoon, they seemed to find their footing. However, Sara’s cancellation of three dates with Tim led to a major confrontation at a dinner party. The infidelity scandal, where it was revealed that Sara had secretly met up with her ex, became a significant turning point in their relationship. Tim initially forgave Sara, and they worked on rebuilding their rocky connection. Australian news sources reported that the couple recommitted to staying together in the final episodes. However, their post-show journey took a different path. Sara confirmed that they had split up a month after the reunion filming. She expressed that she felt as though Tim never fully moved on from the issues surrounding her meeting with her ex. Tim, on the other hand, has reportedly moved on with a new partner, a Brazilian woman named Barbara. He has denied any overlap with Barbara during his time on the show, describing his relationship with Sara as ‘toxic’. Tim has also addressed the issues that led to his frustration with Sara, including feeling unheard and undervalued. Despite the challenges they faced on the show and beyond, both Sara and Tim have expressed a desire to remain amicable, recognizing the shared experience they went through.