Mama Weed, originally titled “La Daronne”, is a compelling French crime comedy that premiered in 2020. Directed by Jean-Paul Salomé, the film revolves around Patience Portefeux, played by the acclaimed Isabelle Huppert. Patience works as a translator for the Paris drug squad, but her financial struggles lead her to an unexpected path. When she uncovers a connection between a case and her mother’s caretaker’s son, Patience finds herself in possession of a substantial amount of hash.
In a bid to protect the young man, Patience decides to leverage her knowledge of the drug world and becomes a dealer herself, adopting the alias “Mama Weed.” She skillfully balances her newfound criminal enterprise with her day job at the police station.
Mama Weed is not only an entertaining crime caper but also a thought-provoking exploration of morality and the lengths people will go to protect those they care about. The film’s strong performances, particularly from Huppert, and its clever script make it a must-watch for fans of the genre.
If you’re eager to witness the transformation of Patience Portefeux into Mama Weed, you can easily stream the film on Amazon Prime Video. With its engaging storyline, memorable characters, and sharp wit, Mama Weed is sure to keep you entertained from start to finish.