Man Caught Carrying Rs 14 Lakh in Violation of Election Code

Authorities detained a man named Vino for transporting Rs 14 lakh hidden within his clothing, a violation of the Model Code of Conduct during the Lok Sabha Elections.

Officials at the Walayar checkpoint on the Kerala-Tamil Nadu border apprehended Vino after his bulky attire raised suspicions. A frisk revealed bundles of cash concealed in his shirt’s lining.

According to the Code of Conduct, individuals are permitted to carry only Rs 50,000, with higher amounts requiring supporting documentation. The confiscated funds were reported to the Income Tax department for further investigation.

This incident underscores the increased vigilance at the Kerala-Tamil Nadu border ahead of the Lok Sabha elections scheduled for April 26th. Strict checks are being conducted to prevent violations and ensure fair and transparent polling.

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