Man Claims He Had a Sexual Relationship With a Dolphin

A self-proclaimed zoophile, or someone who experiences sexual attraction to animals, has made a shocking claim. Malcolm Brenner, an elderly American man, asserts that he had a sexual relationship with a dolphin named Dolly in his early twenties. He claims that Dolly, not him, initiated the relationship, making the encounter even more bizarre.

Brenner details his unusual experience in his novel ‘Wet Goddess,’ a story about a young man who engages in a sexual relationship with a bottle-nosed dolphin while working at a theme park. However, he has publicly acknowledged that the novel is heavily based on his own experiences, essentially an autobiography.

The alleged relationship began in the 1970s when Brenner, a student at the time, was granted access to a dolphin pool at a theme park in Sarasota, Florida. He was allowed to swim with the dolphins, which is how he formed a bond with Dolly. He describes how Dolly made her intentions clear by positioning herself in a way that encouraged him to touch her.

Initially, Brenner resisted, but he eventually gave in, rationalizing his actions. He claims that Dolly became increasingly aggressive in her pursuit of him, which he found sexually stimulating. He insists that their relationship was not abusive, arguing that dolphins have free will and are capable of consenting.

However, the relationship ended abruptly when the theme park closed and Dolly was relocated. Brenner says this event plunged him into a deep depression. He believes Dolly also suffered from the separation and passed away shortly after being moved.

Their relationship, while unconventional, did not violate any laws at the time. Bestiality, or cross-species sexual activity, was not outlawed in Florida until 2011. Brenner insists that his relationship with Dolly was genuine, claiming that both parties expressed and felt love for one another.

Despite the shocking nature of his claims, Brenner maintains that his novel is a testament to the mistreatment of animals in captivity, a cause he is passionate about.

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