Manchester Police Officer Arrested on Domestic Violence Charges

Michael MacNeilly, a 28-year-old officer with the Manchester Police Department in New Hampshire, was arrested on Tuesday and charged with numerous counts of domestic violence. MacNeilly, who has been on restrictive duty since last year, turned himself in to authorities to face eight misdemeanor charges related to the allegations against him. These charges include six counts of simple assault, one count of obstructing the report of a crime or injury, and one count of criminal mischief. MacNeilly was released on personal recognizance bail and is scheduled to appear in the Ninth Circuit Court in Manchester, NH, for his arraignment.

According to officials, the Manchester Police Department referred the case to the New Hampshire State Police after determining that it presented a conflict of interest for the department. The New Hampshire State Police’s Investigative Services Bureau conducted a thorough investigation and obtained multiple warrants. According to published reports, MacNeilly was facing criminal stalking charges for violating a domestic violence restraining order when he was placed on restrictive duty in November.

Manchester Police Chief Allen Aldenberg stated that MacNeilly remains on paid administrative leave and that his status will remain unchanged until due process runs its course. The emergency protective order against MacNeilly was issued on Halloween after a woman sought to prevent him from coming within 300 feet of her or her child, except during scheduled visitations. Two weeks after the order was granted, MacNeilly was arrested on November 12th in Goffstown for violating it. The petitioner in the case has expressed concerns for her safety and is seeking to relocate with her family to Massachusetts as a victim of domestic violence.

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