Maru Go, a 46-year-old mother of three, lives a life dedicated to serving others. Her version of a “club” involves actively participating, often as president, in multiple causes and non-government organizations (NGOs). She describes it as a “calling,” a path she feels compelled to follow. This dedication to serving others was inspired by her late father, who dedicated his life to philanthropy. Go remembers finding personal notes from Mother Teresa thanking her father for his contributions to the Missions of Charity. This sparked her own desire to make a difference.
Go’s journey hasn’t been without challenges, especially as a woman navigating a world often resistant to female leadership. She focuses on sustainable projects, like community improvements in Rizal, reflecting her commitment to long-term development. Her work often emphasizes women empowerment and education for young girls, a commitment she nurtured from the beginning. She started by providing scholarships, supported by philanthropist Milo Bondoc and the Club Bulakeño.
Now, 10 years later, Go is a prominent leader in various organizations, including the Rotary Club of Banawe Chinatown, Inner Wheel Club of Ortigas Gems, Soroptimist Club of Congressional New Generation, and The Johann Strauss Society of the Philippines, among others.
Go’s success stems from her dedication to sustainable projects and long-term goals. She believes education is key, even incorporating scholarships within her family business. Her projects focus on empowering women through workshops and seminars, equipping them with knowledge of their rights and their vital role in community building.
Go’s advice for aspiring leaders resonates with those hesitant to step into community service. She emphasizes the importance of openness, welcoming new people, and finding your passion. She encourages focus on a single cause to avoid spreading yourself thin, and stresses the importance of planning, building connections, collaborating, and preparing for setbacks. The challenges will come, she says, but remembering why you do what you do will help you overcome them.
Go’s story is a testament to the power of dedication, compassion, and a willingness to serve. It’s a reminder that even small actions can create lasting positive change. To learn more about her work and how to join a socio-civic organization, follow Maru Go on Instagram.