Maryland Governor’s False Bronze Star Claim Sparks Controversy

Maryland Governor Wes Moore, a Democrat, has found himself embroiled in controversy after it was revealed that he falsely claimed to have received the Bronze Star medal during his military service. The revelation emerged through a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request filed by the New York Times, which uncovered a 2006 application Moore submitted for the White House Fellowship. In the application, Moore stated, “For my work, the 82nd Airborne Division have awarded me the Bronze Star Medal and the Combat Action Badge.” However, while Moore did receive the Combat Action Badge in May 2006, he was never awarded the Bronze Star.

Moore has acknowledged the error, stating that it was an “honest mistake” made due to his commanding officer’s belief that he was eligible for the medal. Lieutenant Colonel Michael Fenzel, now a lieutenant general, instructed Moore to include the award on his fellowship application. Fenzel believed that Moore had earned the Bronze Star and was already initiating the approval process, anticipating it would be awarded before the fellowship began. However, the Bronze Star never materialized.

The Bronze Star medal is a prestigious military decoration awarded to members of the U.S. Armed Forces for “heroic or meritorious achievement or service.” Fenzel, who remains a close personal friend of Moore, told the New York Times that he was only made aware this week that Moore had never received the medal. The general indicated his intention to re-initiate the process of securing Moore a Bronze Star.

Despite Moore’s explanation, the incident has sparked criticism and accusations of “stolen valor.” Critics have pointed to the seriousness of claiming a military award that one did not earn, suggesting that it undermines the significance of the medal and the sacrifices of those who have truly earned it. Moore has taken responsibility for the mistake, but the incident has raised questions about his honesty and integrity, particularly given his past statements about his military service.

This incident comes at a time when Moore is facing a number of challenges as governor, including rising crime rates, concerns about education, and the need to address economic disparities. The controversy surrounding the Bronze Star claim is likely to further complicate his political landscape and may impact his ability to effectively govern the state.

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