Mastering the Frostlands: A Guide to Exploration and Colonization in Frostpunk 2

In Frostpunk 2, the icy expanse of the Frostlands isn’t just a desolate wasteland; it’s a frontier ripe with potential. But venturing into this unforgiving terrain comes with its own set of challenges. This guide will equip you with the knowledge and strategies needed to effectively explore, manage, and colonize the Frostlands, expanding your city’s reach and securing its future.

Establishing Your Base of Operations: The Logistics District

Before you can embark on expeditions into the Frostlands, you need a dedicated hub: the Logistics District. This vital facility requires a significant investment of 40 heatstamps, 200 prefabs, and 400 workforce to construct. Additionally, it demands ongoing upkeep of 400 workforce, 20 heat, and 25 materials. Importantly, Logistics Districts can only be built atop Old Waystations, typically located at the fringes of your city’s territory. This necessitates pushing your city’s boundaries through Frostbreak, a crucial expansion mechanic. While most campaigns offer three Old Waystations, sandbox maps may have fewer.

Venturing into the Unknown: Resource Acquisition and Events

With a Logistics District established, you’re ready to dispatch Frostland Teams on expeditions into the surrounding regions. Each expedition requires a minimum of 10 Frostland Teams, with a maximum of 25. Territories have varying threat levels, so prioritizing safe regions is crucial. Venturing into more perilous zones carries the risk of injuries and even death.

Exploration yields valuable resources, ranging from food and materials to crucial fuel sources like oil, steam, and coal. Some territories offer the potential for outposts or colonies. Be on the lookout for Cores, a rare and valuable resource essential for upgrading generators and high-tech buildings.

Your expeditions will also encounter dynamic events, each with unique consequences. For instance, encountering the Shipwreck Camp presents you with a choice: request Sawmills or seize them by force. You can also choose to assist the camp’s new leadership, transforming it into an outpost or bringing its inhabitants back to your city. In the Steam Valley region, you may find the Hot Springs settlement. Helping them repair their heating systems will earn their gratitude and transform the settlement into an outpost. A functioning Hot Springs outpost significantly reduces the spread of disease in your city.

Expanding Your Reach: Frostland Technologies and Teams

The need for more Frostland Teams will inevitably arise. Fortunately, several options exist:


Build additional Logistics Districts:

Each Logistics District adds 15 Frostland Teams to your pool.

Expand Existing Logistics Districts:

Expanding your Logistics Districts provides an additional 5 Teams.

Activate Emergency Shifts:

This function grants 5 extra Teams.

Further enhancing your expedition capabilities involves researching crucial Frostland technologies:


Scouts’ Headquarters/Survivalists’ Headquarters:

Reduces exploration time and territory threat level.

Scout Training: Pathfinder Scouts:

Further reduces territory threat level.


Allows the construction of skyways for efficient resource transport, replacing slower trails.

Outpost Operation: Extraction Strongholds or Frontier Footholds:

Extraction Strongholds improve outpost production efficiency, while Frontier Footholds reduce the number of teams required to maintain outposts.

Finally, you may encounter factions that embrace the Adaptation tenet. Maintaining favorable relations with these factions unlocks the Deploy Guides ability, drastically decreasing exploration time.

Connecting the Dots: Paths, Skyways, and Outposts

Once you’ve discovered valuable resources and settlements in the Frostlands, you need to establish transport routes to bring them back to your city. Trails and skyways serve this purpose. These routes require placing markers within the territory, ultimately connecting them back to your city’s outskirts.



Available by default, requiring 10 Frostland Teams and costing 25 heatstamps and 5 prefabs per route segment.


Requires research, needing 10 Frostland Teams and costing 50 heatstamps and 20 prefabs per segment. Skyways allow for more efficient transport of resources.

Stockpiles and outposts require a base number of Frostland Teams to function effectively. While these effects can be toggled off if needed, remember that resources in the wilderness are finite. Maintaining adequate stockpiles in your city ensures you don’t waste precious resources.

Building a New Home: Managing Frostland Colonies

Colonization in Frostpunk 2 represents a significant expansion, akin to establishing your main city. Colonies offer a vast array of resources, including near-unlimited quantities and deep deposits.

To establish a thriving colony, you must transport your own citizens and resources to kickstart construction. This process mirrors the initial development of your city:


Secure a fuel source:

Power the colony’s generator.

Construct Housing Districts:

Provide shelter for your colonists.

Build Extraction Districts and Food Districts:

Establish resource production.

Once the colony reaches a stable state, you can start shipping surplus resources back to your city. For example, the oil deposits of the Old Dreadnought provide a near-infinite source of fuel, significantly alleviating your city’s dependence on fuel.

Conclusion: Mastering the Frostlands

This guide has explored the core elements of successfully managing Frostland expeditions and colonies. By implementing these strategies, you can navigate the challenges of the Frostlands, expand your city’s reach, and secure its future amidst the icy desolation. Remember to refer to our best laws guide and best techs guide for further insights into optimizing your city’s development.

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