McConnell Blasts Tucker Carlson, Cites Him for Delaying Aid to Ukraine

U.S. Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) strongly criticized former Fox News host Tucker Carlson on Tuesday, blaming him for the delay in passing bipartisan foreign aid to Ukraine. McConnell specifically accused Carlson of demonizing Ukraine and presenting a biased account that misled Republican support. The $95.3 billion aid package, which includes $60 billion for Ukraine’s fight against Russia, took months to pass due to opposition from some Republicans who were influenced by Carlson’s coverage.

McConnell made these remarks in response to a question about the recent passing of the aid bill. He stated that Carlson’s negative portrayal of Ukraine convinced many rank-and-file Republicans that providing aid was a mistake. McConnell emphasized that Carlson had a significant audience, which contributed to the delay in passing the legislation.

In addition to criticizing Carlson, McConnell also provided reasons for the months-long delay in passing the aid package. These reasons included negotiations with Democrats, concerns raised by some Republican members, and the former president’s opposition to any aid. McConnell ultimately expressed satisfaction with the final version of the legislation, which he believes addresses growing threats.

McConnell’s criticism of Carlson is not the first time he has publicly expressed his disapproval of the former Fox News host. Previously, McConnell criticized Carlson for his coverage of the January 6th Capitol riot.

The passing of the foreign aid package represents a significant step in supporting Ukraine’s defense against Russia. The aid will provide crucial resources to Ukraine as it continues to fight for its sovereignty and independence.

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