McConnell Decries Ukraine Aid Delay as ‘Sheer Fiction,’ Cites National Security Stakes

Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell (Ky.) on Tuesday denounced the months-long delay in sending military aid to Ukraine, stating it has undermined the country’s chances of defeating Russia on the battlefield. He described the delay as premised on ‘sheer fiction’ perpetuated by some colleagues who argue that supporting Ukraine is not a vital national security interest.

‘So much of the hesitation and short-sightedness that has delayed this moment is premised on sheer fiction,’ McConnell said in a floor speech responding to colleagues in both chambers who have dragged out consideration of military aid for Ukraine since President Biden requested it in October. ‘Make no mistake: delay in providing Ukraine the weapons to defend itself has strained the prospects of defeating Russian aggression. Dithering and hesitation have compounded the challenges we face,’

McConnell aimed his pointed remarks at critics within his party, such as Sen. JD Vance (R-Ohio), who have argued the Ukraine aid package won’t turn the tide of the war and have questioned whether the United States even has the industrial capacity to enable Ukraine to match Russia’s arsenal of drones, missiles and 155 mm artillery shells.

But McConnell on Tuesday reiterated his argument that the $95 billion foreign aid package will bolster U.S. arms production as well as the domestic economy. ‘Across Europe, the acceleration of defense spending is outpacing our own. And right now, allies and partners from Europe to the Indo-Pacific have contracted more than $100 billion dollars worth of cutting-edge American weapons and capabilities,’ he noted.

McConnell also warned colleagues about the stakes for U.S. national security, warning that abandoning the war in Ukraine would only embolden the nation’s adversaries, including Iran and China. ‘Failure to reestablish deterrence against Iran means encouraging unchecked terrorist violence against American personnel, our ally Israel, and the international commerce that underpins our prosperity,’ he said.

McConnell said that fellow senators who dismiss the value of U.S. alliances ‘ignore what history teaches about times when we lacked such friendships.’ He noted that U.S. allies such as Japan fully understand the potential reverberations of Russian victory in Ukraine and what it would likely mean for Chinese ambitions in the Far East.

‘American prosperity and security are the products of decades of American leadership,’ he said. ‘Our global interests come with global responsibilities, and healthy alliances lighten the burden of these responsibilities. And at the end of the day, the primary language of strategic competition is strength.’

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