The iconic White Cliffs of Dover, a beloved British landmark, may face a potential threat from a proposed McDonald’s drive-thru development at its base. Locals have vehemently opposed the fast-food giant’s plans, submitting over 100 objections to the local council. They express concerns about increased traffic congestion around the port and the detrimental impact on the cliffs’ scenic beauty.
One resident, Louis Melville, eloquently expressed his dismay, stating that cruise ship passengers would be greeted by an unsightly McDonald’s drive-thru instead of the majestic cliffs they have traveled far to admire. Friends of Castle Conservation Area Dover has launched a campaign against the proposal, emphasizing its inappropriate siting adjacent to one of the world’s most renowned castles and the potential negative effects on listed buildings in the area.
Resident David Allen fears that the single-storey building will obstruct the view of the castle, significantly impacting the local environment. Other residents share concerns about traffic issues and the unnecessary addition of another fast-food outlet in the area.
National Highways has voiced concerns about the scheme’s potential impact on road safety and efficiency, recommending a delay in the decision until further traffic management details are provided. Despite these apprehensions, some residents have welcomed the potential development, citing job creation and increased footfall to the neighboring retail park.
McDonald’s previously operated a restaurant in Dover town center, but it closed in 2017. The proposed drive-thru would include 55 car parking spaces, 10 of which are designated for electric car charging, and would create 120 jobs. The company maintains its excitement about the opportunity but is open to discussions with the council and residents to address any concerns.
The fate of the proposed McDonald’s development now lies in the hands of planning officers at Dover District Council, who will have the ultimate say on its approval.