Mechanic’s Trick to Double Engine Life: Disable Start/Stop Feature

A seasoned mechanic with over five decades of experience, Scotty Kilmer, has revealed a simple yet effective trick that could significantly extend the life of your vehicle’s engine: disabling the automatic start/stop feature.

Kilmer maintains that this feature, designed to improve fuel efficiency and reduce emissions, actually accelerates engine wear. He reasons that the bulk of engine wear occurs during the starting process, and the constant stopping and restarting of the engine worsens this wear.

To disable the start/stop feature, simply locate the toggle button on your dashboard, typically marked with an ‘A’ within a circular arrow. Once pressed, a small light will indicate that the setting is deactivated.

Kilmer’s advice has resonated with social media users, with many expressing surprise and questioning the wisdom of the start/stop feature. One user commented, ‘I recently experienced this feature in a rental car and instantly realized it couldn’t be good for the engine.’ Another shared their test-driving experience, describing the feature as annoying.

It’s worth noting that this advice aligns with the findings of a major car manufacturer, who recently unveiled an innovative seatbelt technology aimed at enhancing safety measures. Additionally, a classic 40-year-old Peugeot 205 with exceptionally low mileage is currently on the market, showcasing the enduring value of properly maintained vehicles.

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