Michael Williams Selected as Co-Chair for Savannah State University’s 25th Anniversary Scholarship Party

Michael Williams, the CEO and founder of Jetaire, an international leader in aviation support systems, has been selected as the new co-chair for Savannah State University’s 25th Anniversary Scholarship Party. Williams’ selection is a testament to his unwavering commitment to aviation safety and his passion for supporting educational initiatives.

With over three decades of experience in the aviation industry, Williams has played a pivotal role in developing global aviation safety standards. His extensive knowledge and expertise in this field will be invaluable to Savannah State University as it celebrates this significant milestone.

Williams’ unwavering commitment to safety stems from a personal experience where he narrowly escaped a catastrophic aviation accident in 1982. This incident ignited his determination to enhance safety protocols within the industry, leading to the establishment of Jetaire.

Under Williams’ leadership, Jetaire has developed cutting-edge solutions that have significantly improved aviation safety worldwide. Their pioneering invention, INVICTA, a reticulated polyurethane foam solution for ignition mitigation, has gained widespread recognition among aviation regulatory agencies internationally. This revolutionary technology has safeguarded countless lives by preventing fuel tank explosions.

In addition to his contributions to aviation safety, Williams is also a dedicated philanthropist. His commitment to supporting educational initiatives is evident in his involvement with Savannah State University. As the co-chair of the 25th Anniversary Scholarship Party, Williams will play a crucial role in raising funds to support scholarships for deserving students.

Savannah State University is honored to have Michael Williams as the co-chair of its 25th Anniversary Scholarship Party. His dedication to aviation safety, educational excellence, and community involvement make him an ideal choice for this important role. The university looks forward to working with Williams to make this event a resounding success.

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