Michelin-Starred Chef Reveals Secrets to Perfect Scrambled and Boiled Eggs

Ever dreamed of achieving those fluffy, melt-in-your-mouth scrambled eggs you see in fancy restaurants? Michelin-starred chef Sally Abe reveals her secret to achieving this culinary masterpiece, and it’s all about patience and precision.

Sharing her expertise with British Lion eggs, Chef Abe emphasizes the importance of taking your time. Start with two eggs per person, whisking them together until the yolks and whites are fully combined. Season with salt and pepper for that extra touch of flavor.

Heat a knob of butter in a non-stick pan over low heat until it begins to bubble but doesn’t brown. Gently pour in the whisked eggs and stir with a spatula. Let the eggs sit for 10-15 seconds to allow them to start firming up, then continue to stir gently, creating those coveted pillows of egg.

The key to perfect scrambled eggs is to remove them from the heat while they’re still slightly undercooked. Chef Abe recommends taking them off when they are three-quarters cooked, giving them one final stir before transferring them to a plate. The residual heat will continue cooking the eggs to perfection.

For an extra touch of decadence, Chef Abe suggests stirring in a spoonful of crème fraîche before removing the eggs from the pan.

But what about those perfectly boiled eggs? Chef Abe has a simple trick for flawless results every time. Start with a pan of boiling water. Gently lower your eggs into the water using a spoon to prevent cracking. Reduce the heat to a simmer so the eggs cook evenly. For a soft-boiled egg, cook for exactly six minutes.

Once cooked, immediately transfer the eggs to a bowl of ice water to stop the cooking process and make them easier to peel.

With these expert tips from a Michelin-starred chef, you can confidently elevate your breakfast game and impress your friends with restaurant-quality eggs at home.

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