Milk Storage Secrets: Where to Keep It Cool and Fresh

When it comes to keeping milk fresh, the refrigerator is your best friend. But where in the fridge should you place your carton? According to experts at Arla Foods Group, a leading dairy cooperative, the key is temperature consistency. Milk, whether it’s full-fat, semi-skimmed, or skimmed, should not be stored on the fridge door shelf. This is because the door is frequently opened and closed, exposing the milk to temperature fluctuations that can accelerate spoilage.

Instead, the ideal spot is the back of the refrigerator. This area is generally the coldest and most consistent, keeping your milk chilled and safe from the temperature swings that happen near the door. To ensure optimal storage conditions, make sure your fridge is set to the correct temperature – between 1 and 4 degrees Celsius.

What about milk that’s past its use-by date? While it’s always a good idea to use milk before that date, you can trust your senses. If the milk smells and tastes fine, it’s likely still good. And if you have leftover milk before a weekend trip, don’t worry about it going bad. You can freeze it! Just make sure to freeze it before the best-before or use-by date.

Freezing milk can cause it to expand, so transfer it from its original carton to a safe and airtight freezer container to prevent any spills. To thaw frozen milk, simply place it in the refrigerator for at least 24 hours. Once thawed, drink it within a couple of days and don’t refreeze it. As a general rule, it’s best not to freeze milk for more than four weeks. Consider labeling the container with the date you froze it for easy reference.

By following these simple tips, you can ensure your milk stays fresh, flavorful, and safe to drink for longer. Enjoy your chilled glass of milk!

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