Miraculous Escape: Logging Truck Plunges Off Highway, Crushing Water Tanker

A chilling video circulating on social media captures a logging truck losing control and plummeting off a highway culvert in the Jhotwara area of Jaipur, Rajasthan. The truck’s trajectory took it directly onto a water tanker, crushing it completely. The incident has garnered widespread attention due to the sheer luck of those present at the scene, who all miraculously escaped the devastating crash.

The viral video shows an SUV trailing the tanker narrowly missing the truck by a fraction of a second. Equally startling is the footage of a biker riding beside the tanker, who was seemingly unharmed as the truck collided with the tanker. Given the intensity of the fall, as seen in the video, it appears improbable that the occupants of the heavy vehicles involved could have survived. However, the survival of those involved has not been independently verified.

The video has sparked a wave of shock and disbelief online, with many users expressing condolences for the presumed deceased drivers and remarking on the incredible fortune of those who walked away unscathed. “Truck hitting another thing, Truck falling on to you, strength to the family,” one user commented, while another pointed out the precarious nature of life, stating, “Never know what hits you from above.”

A separate, tragic incident involving a cement-laden truck occurred in the Sikar district of Rajasthan on Wednesday. A car was struck by the out-of-control trailer, resulting in the deaths of four people. The collision occurred on the Jaipur-Bikaner highway in Ringas. The victims were trapped in the car and required the assistance of local residents to be extricated. Despite being rushed to a nearby community health center, they were pronounced dead by medical professionals.

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