MJ Lenderman Unleashes Live Album with Expansive Vibe

Multi-instrumentalist and singer-songwriter MJ Lenderman, known for his acclaimed 2023 album ‘Boat Songs,’ has released a live album, ‘Live at the Lodge Room & Lincoln Hall,’ that captures the raw energy and expanded arrangements of his electrifying performances. Recorded in Los Angeles and Chicago, the album finds Lenderman and his band delving deeper into the sonic landscapes of his studio work, stretching tempos, experimenting with tones, and providing ample room for sprawling and squiggly guitar solos.

Lenderman’s signature guitar sound, characterized by the gnarly lead tones of his trusty Death by Audio Interstellar Overdriver pedal, is a standout feature of the live album. Playing a Fender Jazzmaster through a Vox AC15 and Fender Deluxe Reverb in Los Angeles and a ’79 Gibson Firebrand SG with a Fender Blues Deluxe combo in Chicago, Lenderman unleashes a torrent of fuzzed-out six-string excursions.

Beyond his guitar prowess, Lenderman’s live performances are defined by his dynamic interplay with his accompanying musicians. The lineup on the album is described by Lenderman as the most consistent the band has been, but he often invites guest musicians to sit in, creating a fluid and ever-evolving ensemble. This collaborative spirit adds an improvisational element to the live shows, with the band feeding off each other’s energy and exploring new musical possibilities.

Lenderman’s live album is a testament to his ability to transcend the boundaries of his studio recordings. By embracing the spontaneity and energy of live performance, he delivers a sonically expansive and captivating listening experience that showcases his artistry and the power of his music to connect with audiences in a visceral way.

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