The culinary team behind the acclaimed Sushiritto concept has embarked on a new adventure, introducing the world to an extraordinary fusion of pizza and mochi: Mochiko Mochi Pizza. This groundbreaking creation showcases a pizza crust made entirely from Japanese rice flour, meticulously crafted to achieve a captivating contrast of crispy outer layer and tender, chewy interior reminiscent of mochi.
The journey to perfect this Asian-inspired pizza crust was not without its challenges. Chef Ty Mahler, Co-Founder of Mochiko Mochi Pizza, candidly shared the arduous process of experimentation and refinement that spanned over a year and a half. However, the team’s unwavering determination and relentless pursuit of culinary excellence ultimately led to the creation of a crust that embodies the perfect balance of textures and flavors.
Beyond the innovative crust, Mochiko Mochi Pizza tantalizes the taste buds with an array of delectable toppings. From the savory richness of soy-braised beef and the piquant tang of roasted garlic kimchi to the aromatic allure of Japanese curry and the refreshing zest of fresh cilantro, each topping is carefully chosen to complement the unique texture of the mochi crust.
The flagship location of Mochiko Mochi Pizza is situated in Burlingame, with additional locations at Sushiritto Palo Alto and Sushiritto San Francisco also offering this culinary masterpiece. Mahler proudly remarks on the buzz surrounding the new offering, with patrons traveling from afar, including San Jose and San Francisco, to experience the unparalleled flavors of mochi pizza firsthand. The team’s passion for culinary innovation and their dedication to pushing boundaries have resulted in a truly exceptional creation that is sure to captivate the hearts and palates of food enthusiasts.