Moderate Reformist Candidate Leads in Iranian Presidential Election

Massoud Pezeshkian, a moderate reformist candidate, is currently leading in the Iranian presidential election, according to state-run media. The IRNA news agency has reported that Pezeshkian is ahead of his closest rival, Saeed Jalili, by almost 400,000 votes. This election was held on Friday, following the unfortunate passing of the previous president, Ebrahim Raisi, in a helicopter crash last month.

Out of the six candidates vying for the presidency, Pezeshkian stands out as the only moderate candidate. The remaining five candidates are considered hardliners. It’s important to note that all presidential candidates must receive approval from the Guardian Council, a body composed of top Islamic clerics and jurists appointed by the Supreme Leader of Iran, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei.

In a post on X (formerly Twitter), IRNA announced that Pezeshkian has garnered 5,955,781 votes, compared to Jalili’s 5,560,321 votes, based on the latest round of vote counting. The preliminary results for Iran’s 14th presidential election, as of 8 am on Saturday, are as follows:

* Total votes counted: 14,070,462
* Massoud Pezeshkian: 5,955,781
* Saeed Jalili: 5,560,321
* Mohammad Baqer Qalibaf: 1,891,385
* Mostafa Pourmohammadi: 111,967

The final results are anticipated by the end of the day.

In Iran, the Supreme Leader holds ultimate authority over all matters. They set the domestic and international policies and make all crucial decisions. The government, headed by the president, executes these policies and enforces the decisions made by the Supreme Leader. Even though the Iranian president does not have policy-making power, they are responsible for implementation and, therefore, exert considerable influence on the outcome.

Considering Pezeshkian’s moderate and reformist stance, it is expected that his government, while enforcing all existing rules, will exhibit a more moderate approach to implementation. This could potentially lead to a reduction in state excesses and greater restraint in governance.

Pezeshkian hails from the Azeri minority community. If he ascends to power, it is anticipated that his government will show greater consideration for the concerns of minorities and women within the country. He has also been a vocal critic of the treatment of Mahsa Amini, the 22-year-old Iranian woman who tragically died at the hands of the Iranian morality police due to alleged violations of hijab laws. Pezeshkian has stated that while he will uphold the law, he will not allow it to be used as a tool of harassment.

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