Modi Inaugurates New Nalanda University Campus, Envisions ‘Golden Age’ for India

Prime Minister Narendra Modi inaugurated the new campus of Nalanda University in Rajgir, Bihar, on Wednesday, expressing optimism that its revival would usher in a new ‘Golden Age’ for India. The inauguration ceremony marked a significant milestone for the ancient institution, which is being revitalized to reclaim its former glory as a center of learning.

Modi emphasized that the revitalized Nalanda University would showcase India’s capabilities to the world. He highlighted the institution’s historical significance, noting that it attracted students from across Asia and beyond, transcending geographical and cultural boundaries. He praised the collaborative efforts of partner countries in the reconstruction of Nalanda University, reflecting its global appeal and significance.

The Prime Minister lauded the new campus’s commitment to environmental sustainability, highlighting its implementation of ‘Net Zero’ energy, emissions, and waste practices. He noted that the campus would serve as a model for eco-friendly development, inspiring other institutions to adopt similar sustainable practices.

Modi also highlighted the role of Nalanda University in promoting regional cooperation and cultural exchange. He emphasized the university’s efforts in establishing a Common Archival Resources Centre and its commitment to strengthening the India University network with ASEAN countries.

The new Nalanda University campus, featuring academic blocks, auditoriums, a student hostel, an international center, an amphitheater, a faculty club, and a sports complex, embodies a modern vision for the ancient institution. It stands as a testament to India’s commitment to education, knowledge sharing, and environmental sustainability, signifying a new era of learning and global engagement.

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