Modi Urges Opposition to Focus on Substance, Not Slogans, in New Lok Sabha Session

Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Monday delivered a message to the Opposition, calling for a shift from slogans to substance and from disruption to diligence. Addressing the newly elected members of the 18th Lok Sabha, Modi, entering his third term as Prime Minister, underscored the need for a responsible opposition that contributes to the nation’s progress.

He marked the start of the session by remembering the Emergency imposed in 1975 by former Prime Minister Indira Gandhi, calling it a dark chapter in India’s democratic history. He highlighted the 50th anniversary of this event, asserting that it must never be forgotten and that the country should learn from it to ensure such a situation never repeats.

Modi emphasized the importance of upholding the Constitution, safeguarding democratic traditions, and fulfilling the aspirations of the common people. He pledged to build a ‘Shreshta Bharat’ (great India) and a ‘Viksit Bharat’ (developed India), focusing on consensus-building and efficient governance.

The Prime Minister also expressed gratitude for the people’s mandate, emphasizing the responsibility and trust placed upon his government for a third consecutive term. He vowed to work three times harder and deliver three times more results than before, ensuring that the policies and intentions of his government are fully realized.

He highlighted the significance of the new Parliament building, marking the first time since independence that the swearing-in ceremony took place there. Modi concluded by welcoming all newly elected MPs and expressing his commitment to fulfilling the hopes and aspirations of the Indian people.

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