Monsoon Onset Forecast: IMD Predicts Rain in Karnataka’s Capital by June 14

The India Meteorological Department (IMD) has predicted the arrival of the southwest monsoon in Karnataka’s capital, Bengaluru, by June 14. The onset of monsoon is expected to bring abundant rainfall to the state, which has already experienced a surplus of rainfall since May 1.

The southwest monsoon is currently advancing over Tamil Nadu, West-central Bay of Bengal, and Sikkim, and is expected to enter Andhra Pradesh soon. Once these areas are covered, the monsoon will progress into Karnataka.

This year’s monsoon is arriving approximately 15 days earlier than last year, prompting officials to issue warnings and advise residents to prepare for the impending weather. The monsoon rains are anticipated to be evenly distributed across the state, with particularly heavy rainfall expected in Coastal Karnataka and South Interior Karnataka.

The IMD has also issued warnings of strong winds and rough weather conditions in various regions over the next few days. These regions include the southern bay of Bengal, southeastern bay of Bengal, central, southwestern bay of Bengal, and the northern Andhra Pradesh coast. The IMD predicts wind speeds of up to 55 km/h and gusts up to 65 km/h in some areas.

Following a dry April, the state has witnessed a 30% surplus in rainfall since May 1. South Interior Karnataka has experienced a 23% surplus, North Interior Karnataka a 19% surplus, and Coastal Karnataka a 24% excess in rainfall, with recorded rainfall amounts of 170 mm, 181 mm, and 92 mm in these regions, respectively.

The onset of the southwest monsoon in India occurred two days earlier than its normal date of June 1. Typically, the monsoon reaches Kerala by June 1 and progresses over most of northeast India by June 5. However, this year, the monsoon reached Kerala two days ahead of schedule and advanced over northeast India six days earlier than usual.

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