Mother of Stalking Victim Calls for Tighter Protections and Offender Detention

Following the tragic murder of her daughter, Celeste Manno, by a stalker in 2020, Aggie Di Mauro has become a vocal advocate for加强对女性的法律保护. Di Mauro believes that current legal measures are inadequate and has called for stricter stalking laws, mandatory life sentences for murder, and the immediate detention of offenders. She has criticized apprehended violence orders, arguing that they fail to provide sufficient protection for women at risk.

Di Mauro’s impassioned plea comes amidst growing concerns about the alarmingly high rates of violence against women in Australia. She has expressed outrage at the recent high-profile cases of alleged murders of women and is determined to make her voice heard. Di Mauro is calling for urgent action from authorities to address this critical issue and ensure that women are safe from harm.

Di Mauro’s advocacy is a powerful reminder of the devastating impact that violence against women has on individuals, families, and the entire community. Her unwavering determination to create change is inspiring, and her voice is adding to the growing movement demanding accountability and stronger protections for women.

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