Mother’s Day is a time to celebrate the extraordinary women in our lives, and what better way to do that than with a beautiful bouquet of flowers? 1-800-Flowers has a wide selection of Mother’s Day bouquets to choose from, so you’re sure to find the perfect arrangement to make her smile.
If your mom loves classic blooms, the Marvelous Mom Bouquet is a beautiful choice. This arrangement features roses, lilies, and daisy poms in a keepsake lavender-colored vase, and it’s sure to make a lasting impression. For a more unique gift, the Conversation Roses for Mom is a one-of-a-kind arrangement that features roses with printed messages of love and appreciation.
If your mom prefers something a little more rustic, the Spring Sentiment Bouquet is a lovely option. This arrangement features soft pink and yellow blooms that are loosely gathered with lush greenery, and it’s sure to add a touch of springtime cheer to her home. And if your mom loves all things lavender, the Lovely Lavender Medley is a beautiful choice. This arrangement features full-bodied lavender and white blooms that are hand-gathered in a sleek, sophisticated clear cylinder vase.
No matter what her style, you’re sure to find the perfect Mother’s Day bouquet from 1-800-Flowers. So don’t wait, order today and make her day!