Mum Booted From Comedy Show Speaks Out About ‘Humiliation’

Trish Faranda, the mother who was asked to leave comedian Arj Barker’s show due to her baby’s noises, has spoken out about her experience, saying she was humiliated by Barker’s actions and the audience’s reaction.

“I think he sort of started it by asking the crowd if they thought we should be there and having them sort of jump in on what he had started,” Faranda said, claiming she was heckled by the audience.

“To stand there … to hear that and not go ‘actually, this isn’t right’ is what doesn’t sit well with me.”

Barker, however, claims he was simply trying to create a good environment for his show.

“It was this was an audio issue — It’s a very quiet theatre,” Barker said.

“The baby — it wasn’t screaming — it was going ‘la la la’, baby talk. It was cute, but it’s distracting the audience from the show.”

Barker added that he would like to meet with Faranda to discuss the incident and that he was open to the possibility of sharing the money from any “movie offers” about the controversy.

The incident has sparked a debate online, with users divided on who was in the wrong. Some support Barker’s decision, arguing that the baby was disrupting the show, while others have criticized him for asking a mother and baby to leave.

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