NASA Astronaut Captures Stunning Time-Lapse of Earth, Spotting Mysterious Red Light

As his six-month mission aboard the International Space Station (ISS) draws to a close, NASA astronaut Matthew Dominick has shared a captivating time-lapse of Earth. Filmed from an altitude of approximately 250 miles, the footage showcases a mesmerizing view of Asia at night. The video highlights the sprawling network of city lights, the twinkling trails of fishing boats, and the dramatic flashes of lightning across the vast landscape.

Dominick himself described the fishing boat lights as one of his favorite sights from the ISS, adding a unique charm to the night sky. However, the time-lapse also revealed a mysterious bright red light, prompting speculation among viewers. Some suggested it could be volcanic activity, while others pointed to the possibility of commercial squid fishing boats using red lights to attract their catch.

“Those red lights are from an immense fishing fleet east of Hokkaido,” one viewer commented, referencing a similar phenomenon observed by the SuomiNPP satellite.

Dominick’s tenure on the ISS has been marked by his dedication to sharing stunning imagery, both of Earth and the station’s interior. As his mission comes to an end next month with the arrival of SpaceX’s Crew-9, Dominick and his fellow Crew-8 members will be returning home.

While many will miss Dominick’s captivating photos and videos, space enthusiasts can look forward to the contributions of veteran astronaut Don Pettit, who recently joined the crew. Pettit, known for his impressive visual creations, recently captured a remarkable shot of SpaceX’s Polaris Dawn spacecraft re-entering Earth’s atmosphere after a historic five-day mission.

With a fresh perspective and a wealth of experience, Pettit is sure to continue sharing captivating glimpses of the wonders of space in the coming months.

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