National Potato Day: Expert Tips for Keeping Your Spuds Fresh Longer

It’s National Potato Day! This versatile ingredient is a staple in countless homes, so it’s no surprise that Britons hold a special place in their hearts for potatoes. But do you make the most of your potatoes, using them up before their best-before date?

Debra Hutt, an expert at Wren Kitchens, shares her wisdom on keeping potatoes fresh and flavorful for longer.

The key lies in proper storage: a cool, dry, and dark environment is ideal. Avoid exposing your potatoes to heat, direct sunlight, or moisture, as these conditions can lead to sprouting and spoilage.

Light exposure can even turn your potatoes green due to the production of chlorophyll and solanine. Solanine is a poison that can be harmful if ingested in large quantities, so it’s crucial to store your potatoes away from light.

While some people store potatoes in the fridge, Hutt advises against it. The fridge can be too cold for potatoes, converting their starches into sugars, leading to discoloration.

Instead, opt for a pantry or a cool, dark cupboard. Store them in a mesh or hessian bag, allowing air circulation. A sealed plastic container isn’t recommended as it traps moisture.

And a crucial tip: keep your potatoes far away from onions! Onions release ethylene gas, which speeds up the spoilage process of potatoes. Conversely, the moisture in potatoes can cause onions to become mushy. Keeping them separate ensures a longer lifespan for both.

So, remember these expert tips and enjoy your potatoes to their fullest, even after National Potato Day! Do you have any storage hacks you’d like to share? Let us know in the comments below.

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