Natural Gas Alarm Safety: NTSB Urges Homeowners to Prioritize Protection

The National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) is sounding the alarm about the growing danger of natural gas explosions in homes. As aging infrastructure, appliances, and loose gas connections contribute to an increase in incidents, the NTSB strongly advises homeowners to install natural gas alarms. These alarms are crucial for detecting leaks before they can ignite, potentially preventing devastating explosions and saving lives.

DeNova Detect, a leading manufacturer of natural gas alarms, is using Fire Prevention Week (October 6th-12th) as a platform to educate Americans about the importance of natural gas safety. With natural gas explosions becoming increasingly common, the company emphasizes the need for a trifecta of safety alarms: smoke, carbon monoxide, and natural gas alarms, all working together to create a safer home environment.

The call for widespread natural gas alarm installation echoes throughout the country. New York City has already mandated these alarms, following suit with the state of Maine. Several other states, including Connecticut, Illinois, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, and Tennessee, are currently considering legislation to make these life-saving devices mandatory.

Ron Lazarus, COO of DeNova Detect/New Cosmos USA, states, “We are very pleased that the NTSB, the nation’s leading public safety agency, is advising people to install natural gas alarms. Many lawmakers and fire safety professionals are taking this issue seriously. Although natural gas alarms are proven to prevent gas explosions with early detection, many consumers are still not aware this life-saving technology exists, even though 60 percent of homes in the U.S. use natural gas.”

The urgency of this issue is underscored by the tragic reality of natural gas explosions. On average, a gas incident or explosion occurs every 40 hours in the United States. Local fire departments respond to thousands of home fires each year that are initiated by the ignition of natural gas. Over the past decades, these incidents have resulted in countless American lives lost, injuries sustained, and millions of dollars in property damage. The devastating consequences of these explosions, often with little warning, have highlighted the crucial need for early detection and prevention measures.

Kansas City, Kansas Fire Chief Dennis Rubin, poignantly shares his experience responding to his first fatality caused by a natural gas explosion: “It is etched in my mind and always will be. It happened in 1972, leveling two homes, seriously damaged a third and killing two small children and their mother. If there had been a natural gas alarm in the home to alert them, they could have gotten out and lived.”

The impact of these incidents extends far beyond the immediate victims. Firefighters are also put at risk during these catastrophic events. Chief Rubin emphasizes, “Today, more than half a century later, we continue to lose too many lives and homes and we are putting firefighters at risk from catastrophic natural gas explosions. Natural gas alarms are a simple and very effective step consumers can take now to protect their families and homes.”

New York City, having experienced several devastating gas explosions in the past decade, has taken a proactive approach to address this issue. Earlier this year, the city became the first major American city to require natural gas alarms. Consolidated Edison, recognizing the critical importance of these alarms, launched a pilot program in 2018 featuring DeNova Detect natural gas alarms. This initiative has resulted in the installation of over 250,000 alarms in buildings and homes across Manhattan and Westchester County, demonstrating the commitment to proactive safety measures.

Assemblywoman Alicia L. Hyndman from Queens, New York, emphasizes the importance of this initiative, stating, “We are proud that New York City is leading the nation in this important public safety issue and we hope others will soon follow our lead. Natural gas alarms and the early detection and warnings they provide are essential for public safety. As the most densely populated major city in the U.S., gas-related incidents that occur here often impact entire neighborhoods. That’s why it is crucial to detect gas leaks before there is an explosion and lives are irretrievably broken.”

DeNova Detect, a leading innovator in the field of natural gas alarms, produces the only residential fully battery-operated 10-year natural gas alarm in the world, tested to UL1484 Standard by ETL. This advanced technology offers several key advantages. It detects natural gas on average 11 minutes sooner than traditional gas sensors, providing crucial time for evacuation. The long-lasting battery eliminates the need for frequent replacements, ensuring continuous protection. The device also features a virtually zero rate of false alarms, minimizing unnecessary disruption. DeNova Detect also offers a 2-in-1 combination natural gas and carbon monoxide alarm, providing comprehensive protection against multiple hazards.

DeNova Detect’s cordless design allows for strategic placement closer to the ceiling, where natural gas rises and accumulates first. This strategic placement contributes to earlier detection compared to traditional plug-in alarms. Voice alerts, available in English and Spanish, clearly announce the type of hazard and provide instructions for evacuation and calling 911, ensuring effective communication during an emergency.

For optimal safety, natural gas alarms should be installed near every gas appliance, including cooking appliances, clothes dryers, water heaters, furnaces, and gas fireplaces. These alarms are readily available at Lowe’s stores, online at, and on

New Cosmos USA, Inc., a leading global supplier of natural gas alarms for over 60 years, formed a wholly owned subsidiary, New Cosmos USA, Inc., in 2018. Headquartered in the Chicago area, the company has developed the DeNova Detect brand to provide gas alarms to some of the largest utility companies in the U.S., as well as commercial and residential customers. With over 70 million residential gas alarms sold worldwide and a legacy of pioneering the first-ever residential natural gas alarm, New Cosmos remains committed to delivering cutting-edge safety solutions to customers globally, prioritizing the protection of what matters most.

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