NCERT Proposes New Evaluation Model for Class 12, Integrating Previous Years’ Performance

The National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT) has proposed a significant shift in the evaluation model for class 12, aiming to create a more comprehensive and holistic picture of student learning.

The new model, detailed in the report ‘Establishing Equivalence across Education Boards’, suggests incorporating performance from classes 9, 10, and 11 into the final class 12 board results. This approach reflects a progressive assessment philosophy, adjusting the weightage of formative (ongoing) and summative (end-term) assessments as students progress through their education.

The report recommends a two-term structure for classes 10 and 12, introducing a variety of assessment methods. Term I will include classroom assessments, portfolio assessments, self and peer assessments, teacher observation, group work, and laboratory activities. Term II will further incorporate project work, paper presentations with viva voce, and group discussions.

The report suggests the following weightage for each class in the final class 12 result: 15% for class 9, 20% for class 10, 25% for class 11, and 40% for class 12.

The weightage of formative and summative assessments will gradually shift as students advance, placing a greater emphasis on summative assessments in higher grades. This is reflected in the proposed framework:


Class 9:

7% formative, 30% summative

Class 10:

50% formative, 50% summative

Class 11:

40% formative, 60% summative

Class 12:

30% formative, 70% summative

This new evaluation model aims to provide a more comprehensive picture of student progress, considering their overall learning journey and not solely relying on a single final examination. By integrating performance from previous years, the model seeks to promote continuous learning and incentivize consistent effort throughout high school.

The proposed changes are still under consideration, and it remains to be seen how they will be implemented and received by students, teachers, and educational institutions.

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