Neanderthal Child With Down Syndrome Found in Spain

A new analysis of an oddly shaped ear bone found in a cave in Spain suggests a 6-year-old Neanderthal child had Down syndrome. This discovery, the first known case of Down syndrome in Neanderthals, our closest human relatives, provides compelling evidence of their capacity for altruistic behavior. The child, nicknamed Tina, lived into early childhood, suggesting that her Neanderthal group cared for her, despite the challenges her condition presented.

The ear bone, a fragment of a temporal bone, was initially excavated in 1989 at Cova Negra (Spanish for “Black Cave”) in Xàtiva, Valencia, but it wasn’t identified until recently. Researchers used micro-CT (computed tomography) to scan the bone, creating a digital 3D model that revealed its irregular shape, consistent with Down syndrome. Additionally, Tina’s ear bone exhibited other unusual aspects, including a smaller cochlea and abnormalities with the lateral semicircular canal (LSC), which can lead to hearing loss and severe vertigo.

While the irregular shape of the bone strongly suggests Down syndrome, a genetic test would be needed for confirmation. However, the presence of an extra copy of chromosome 21 in individuals with Down syndrome makes it highly likely that Tina did have the condition.

The researchers believe that Tina’s condition would have required extensive care from multiple individuals in her group. While previous evidence suggested that Neanderthals cared for their social groups, these individuals were typically adults. It was unclear whether Neanderthal caregiving was motivated by reciprocity or altruism. The discovery of a 6-year-old with a challenging genetic condition who wouldn’t have been able to contribute much in return strongly suggests that Neanderthal caregiving was driven by genuine altruism.

This discovery sheds light on the complex social structures of Neanderthals and their capacity for empathy and compassion. “What was not known until now was any case of an individual who had received help, even if they could not return the favor, which would prove the existence of true altruism among Neandertals,” study lead author Antonio Rosas, professor at the University of Alcalá in Spain, said in a statement.

The finding also has implications for modern humans. “The presence of this complex social adaptation in both Neanderthals and our own species suggests a very ancient origin within the genus Homo,” the researchers wrote in the study.

The discovery of Tina highlights the shared evolutionary history and complex social behaviors of Neanderthals and modern humans, suggesting a deep-rooted capacity for compassion and care within our lineage.

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