Neighbors Repeatedly Trespass on Private Property for Walking Routine

Neighbors residing in a cul-de-sac at the rear of our property have been repeatedly cutting through our land on an almost daily basis to facilitate their walking routine. Over time, these neighbors have acted as if they are entitled to treat our property as a public gateway between their neighborhood and ours. However, this behavior has become excessive, and we would like to politely convey that our property is not a public walkway.

We have attempted to engage in friendly interactions with these neighbors in the past, but they now avoid acknowledging us when cutting through our property, even when we are actively working on it. This lack of respect and their sense of entitlement have made us hesitant to grant them permission to continue using our property as a shortcut.

The main concern is that the neighbors have not sought our permission to walk on our property. Aside from being discourteous, there is always the possibility that we could be held liable if they were to suffer an accident while trespassing. We have considered implementing measures such as planting flowers or other landscaping to deter foot traffic, but we would prefer to resolve the issue amicably.

If our polite request to cease trespassing is ignored, we will have no choice but to consult with an attorney to explore our legal options. We urge our neighbors to respect our property rights and find an alternative route for their daily walks.

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