Nevada King Initiates Comprehensive Geophysical Surveys at Atlanta Gold Mine Project

Nevada King Gold Corp. (NKG) is pleased to announce the initiation of several geophysical surveys at its Atlanta Gold Mine Project, located in the prolific Battle Mountain Trend in Nevada. The project spans 5,166 hectares (51.6 km²) and is 100% owned by Nevada King. The surveys, which are expected to commence in September 2024, will include Phase III CSAMT (Controlled Source Audio-frequency Magnetotellurics), IP (Induced Polarization/Resistivity), Drone Radiometrics, and Spectral Imaging.

The company has been leveraging powerful geophysical tools to identify promising areas for mineralization at Atlanta. Previous Phase I and II CSAMT surveys conducted in 2022 and 2023 yielded eleven high-priority regional targets. Drilling of three of these targets, the East Ridge Target (ERT), the South Quartzite Ridge Target (SQRT), and the Wild West Zone (WWZ), has resulted in sequential discoveries.

The upcoming Phase III CSAMT survey, along with the IP, Drone Radiometrics, and Spectral Imaging surveys, aims to develop a comprehensive regional targeting map. This will facilitate the identification of lithological contacts, alteration zones, and structures, ultimately leading to the identification and refinement of concealed targets that may be obscured by surface cover in the Atlanta district.

The Phase III CSAMT survey is planned to encompass 30 lines, totaling 69.4 line-kilometres. Twenty-seven lines will be oriented east-west, combining extensions and infill lines while also extending to the north. The remaining three north-south lines will be used to create a 3D model across the core of the resource area and help track east-west trending structural controls.

The Phase I CSAMT survey (2022) consisted of 18 lines (54.5 line-kilometres) oriented east-west across the Atlanta Mine Fault Zone. The Phase II CSAMT survey (2023) aimed to extend Phase I lines and add infill lines for better lateral resolution. This survey encompassed 23 east-west lines, covering an additional 56.65 line-kilometres. Both phases utilized a 25-metre station spacing, generating high-resolution datasets reaching depths of up to 400 meters below the surface.

Analysis of drill-hole and surface geochemistry, combined with CSAMT and magnetic data, suggests the presence of an intrusive-related system at depth beneath the ERT. Recent drilling targeting this system has resulted in discoveries at the SQRT and ERT. IP, a ground-based technique, will be used to map zones of disseminated sulfides that may be associated with intrusive-related mineralization. Four IP/Resistivity lines, totaling 13.25 line-kilometres, are planned to evaluate additional anomalies across the Atlanta District.

Recent drilling at the Atlanta Gold Mine intersected a significant 68.6-metre interval grading 5.14 grams per tonne (g/t) gold and 16 g/t silver within an intrusive-style gold mineralization zone. This discovery reinforces the company’s belief in the presence of multiple intrusive bodies on the property. Intrusive bodies are often associated with distinct alteration halos and radiometric signatures. A drone-based radiometric survey will be conducted across two areas totaling approximately 9 km². Lines will be oriented east-west with a spacing of 50 meters, covering a total of 184.6 line-kilometres. These areas were identified based on anomalies in the drone magnetics dataset and have potential for intrusive-related mineralization. The survey will also assess the effectiveness of the technique.

Spectral data across the entirety of the Atlanta land package is currently being acquired from the Sentinel-2 and ASTER satellites, providing 10-15 meter spatial resolution. This data will be analyzed for alteration halos. The upcoming radiometric survey and spectral geology work will be crucial in identifying potential target areas for future exploration. These geophysical and geochemical techniques are effective in detecting alteration zones that may indicate the presence of concealed mineralized intrusive rocks.

Nevada King plans to utilize GeoExploration LLC’s AI-backed CAGE-IN technology to analyze the data generated by the radiometric survey and spectral geology work. This advanced technology will integrate these datasets with existing geological and geophysical data, enabling precise identification of potential intrusive bodies and providing valuable insights for future drilling programs.

Thomas Weis, Consulting Geophysicist of Nevada King, commented, “The geophysical program at the Atlanta Mine property has been instrumental in mapping the area’s lithology, structure, and alteration. The detailed CSAMT resistivity dataset, using 25-metre electrode station spacing, provides good lateral resolution of the resistivity variations in two dimensions along the surveyed lines. The correlation between lithologic boundaries and mineralization is very encouraging in the current mine area. The 2024 geophysical program will focus on collecting additional CSAMT resistivity data to fill in between current lines and allow for the generation of a three-dimensional model. We will also be extending selected current lines into surrounding areas of interest. The combined 2022, 2023, and 2024 CSAMT datasets will be utilized in the ongoing geological interpretation of the Atlanta Mine property.”

Dr Amit Tripathi, principal geologist of GeoExploration LLC and consultant to Nevada King, stated, “The successful intersection of high-grade gold mineralization in drill hole AT24HG-41 has significantly enhanced our understanding of the project’s geology. We are excited to initiate this comprehensive exploration program to uncover additional intrusive targets. By combining our geological expertise with advanced exploration tools, we are confident in our ability to expand the mineral resource at the Atlanta Gold Mine.”

The Atlanta Mine is a historic gold-silver producer with a NI 43-101 compliant pit-constrained resource of 460,000 oz Au in the measured and indicated category (11.0M tonnes at 1.3 g/t) plus an inferred resource of 142,000 oz Au (5.3M tonnes at 0.83 g/t). For further information regarding the Atlanta property, please visit Nevada King’s website at

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