New Hampshire Governor Rejects Massachusetts Border Toll Proposal

New Hampshire Governor Chris Sununu has vehemently rejected the proposal by Massachusetts Department of Transportation Secretary Monica Tibbits-Nutt to impose a toll on drivers entering Massachusetts. Sununu, a Republican, decried the idea as an unwarranted financial burden on Massachusetts residents, stating that it would provide even more incentive for them to relocate to New Hampshire.

Other New England state governors have yet to publicly share their views on the proposal. Tibbits-Nutt’s suggestion emerged during a keynote speech to the advocacy group Walk Massachusetts on April 10th, where she discussed the financial challenges faced by MassDOT. She proposed a border toll as a potential solution, sparking immediate backlash from both Sununu and Massachusetts State Auditor Diana DiZoglio.

DiZoglio took to social media on Saturday to express her strong opposition, emphasizing the devastating economic and infrastructural impacts such a toll would have on the region. She warned against creating a “border war” and urged the administration to reject the approach.

A MassDOT spokesperson clarified that Tibbits-Nutt’s remarks were intended to initiate discussions on transportation funding solutions. The spokesperson emphasized that the task force is in its early stages and no specific recommendations have been made. Any proposals would be developed in collaboration with the Legislature and carefully consider affordability and competitiveness implications.

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