New Phase Change Memory Technology Breaks Through Limitations

Researchers at the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) have developed a new type of phase change memory (PCM) that eliminates the shortcomings of earlier iterations.

PCM is a type of memory that switches between two physical states: crystallized (with low resistance) and amorphous (with high resistance). It combines the speed of DRAM with the non-volatility of NAND flash, making it a promising technology for future electronic devices.

However, traditional PCM devices have been limited by their high power consumption and expensive manufacturing costs. Professor Shinhyun Choi and his team at KAIST have devised a new method to shrink only the components directly involved in the phase change process, creating a phase-changeable nano filament. This novel approach has drastically reduced power consumption by 15 times compared to traditional PCM devices made using expensive lithography tools, and is also significantly cheaper to manufacture.

The new phase change memory retains the fast speed, large on/off ratio, small variations, and multi-level memory properties of traditional PCM. Choi believes that the results of their study will lay the foundation for future electronic engineering and benefit applications such as high-density 3D vertical memory, neuromorphic computing systems, edge processors, and in-memory computing systems.

The team’s research was published in the journal Nature earlier this month in a paper titled, “Phase-Change Memory via a Phase-Changeable Self-Confined Nano-Filament.” This breakthrough has the potential to revolutionize the memory technology landscape, enabling the development of more efficient and powerful electronic devices.

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