Nexcavate Unveils AI-Powered Permitting Solution at MINExpo 2024, Aiming to Boost Critical Minerals Supply

Nexcavate, a trailblazing technology company at the forefront of artificial intelligence and mining, made its official debut at MINExpo INTERNATIONAL® 2024 in Las Vegas, Nevada. The company unveiled its game-changing product, PermitPulse AI, a platform designed to revolutionize the way mining and land use permits are obtained.

Nexcavate’s arrival at MINExpo, the world’s largest mining show, comes at a crucial juncture. The United States faces significant challenges in securing a domestic supply of critical minerals and rare earth elements, essential components for various industries, from electronics to electric vehicles. With global demand for these resources projected to surge by up to 4,000% by 2040, the need for a streamlined and efficient permitting process has become paramount. Nexcavate’s solution aims to tackle this challenge head-on, dramatically accelerating the permitting process while ensuring comprehensive compliance and environmental responsibility.

“We are thrilled to introduce Nexcavate to the global mining community at MINExpo 2024,” stated Allan Grosvenor, CEO and Co-Founder of Nexcavate. “Our mission is to unearth America’s future by leveraging cutting-edge AI to solve one of the most pressing challenges in the critical minerals sector. PermitPulse AI represents a quantum leap in permitting technology, offering a solution that not only speeds up the process but also enhances accuracy and compliance.”

PermitPulse AI is designed to streamline the permitting process by seamlessly integrating state, federal, environmental, and tribal data, ensuring submissions are comprehensive and efficient. Key features of the platform include:


Permit Completeness Check:

Ensuring all necessary information is included.

Comparison with Approved Permits:

Providing insights from similar projects.

Environmental Impact Assessment:

A robust tool for assessing potential environmental effects.

Tribal Engagement Tool:

Facilitating communication and collaboration with indigenous communities.

Multi-language Integration:

Enhancing accessibility for diverse stakeholders.

Will Adler, Vice President of Sales and Co-Founder, emphasized the platform’s broader impact: “Launching Nexcavate at MINExpo allows us to showcase how our technology can benefit not only mining companies but also government agencies, environmental interests, and tribal communities. We’re excited to demonstrate how PermitPulse AI can create a more sustainable, responsible, and efficient mining industry.”

Nexcavate is headquartered at the University of Nevada, Reno, and enjoys a strong partnership with the Mackay School of Mines. The company is actively collaborating with Nevada state and federal permitting agencies, demonstrating its commitment to local engagement. Nexcavate has already secured letters of intent from key stakeholders, including state agencies, utilities, and mining companies, showcasing its potential to significantly impact the industry.

Nexcavate’s leadership team boasts a unique blend of expertise:


Allan Grosvenor

, CEO and Co-Founder, is a visionary aerospace engineer and AI innovator with over 25 years of experience in solving complex engineering challenges for organizations like DARPA, the Department of Energy, and the U.S. Air Force and Space Force.

Will Adler

, VP of Sales and Co-Founder, is a government relations expert and political strategist with extensive experience in Nevada’s legislative landscape, representing various industries, including renewable energy and Native American affairs.

The launch of Nexcavate at MINExpo 2024 is particularly significant given Nevada’s crucial role in the U.S. mining industry. As the world’s fifth-largest gold producer and a state rich in critical minerals such as lithium and copper, Nevada provides an ideal backdrop for Nexcavate’s debut. The company is currently pursuing a Series A funding round, targeting a $50 million valuation to accelerate product development and market expansion.

Nexcavate’s commitment to transforming the critical minerals mining industry is evident in its plans to expand its solutions beyond permitting to include mining operations tools and diversify into renewable energy projects and broader land use applications. By utilizing cutting-edge AI technology, Nexcavate aims to strengthen America’s mineral independence while promoting sustainable and responsible mining practices for a brighter future.

About Nexcavate

Nexcavate is a pioneering technology company dedicated to revolutionizing the critical minerals mining industry through innovative AI solutions. By addressing key challenges in the permitting process, Nexcavate aims to strengthen America’s mineral independence while promoting sustainable and responsible mining practices.


MINExpo INTERNATIONAL® 2024 is the world’s largest mining event, bringing together more than 1,200 exhibitors and 40,000 attendees from around the globe. Held in Las Vegas, Nevada, from September 24-26, 2024, the expo showcases the latest technologies, equipment, and innovations shaping the future of the mining industry.

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