Niger-Benin Border Dispute Heats Up with Arrests and Accusations

Tensions between Benin and Niger have escalated once again, with Benin arresting five Nigerien nationals and accusing them of illegal entry. Niger has retaliated by accusing Benin of arresting employees of its oil company who were present at the port to oversee the loading of an oil shipment.

The conflict centers around the port of Seme, which is a key point of entry for Niger’s crude oil exports. The dispute has dragged on since May, when Benin obstructed the shipment of oil, citing Niamey’s refusal to reopen its borders for trade. The blockade was eventually lifted following intervention from China, but Niger has maintained border closures after a military coup last July.

Benin has since reopened its side of the border, but it has urged Niger to reciprocate. Niger has accused Benin of hosting French troops on its territory, which it claims are attempting to destabilize the country.

The arrests and accusations have further strained relations between the two neighbors, who have been at odds since May. Benin has accused Niger of hostility, while Niger has accused Benin of interfering in its internal affairs.

The conflict has also raised concerns about the stability of the region. Benin and Niger are both members of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS), and the dispute could have implications for regional security.

ECOWAS has called on both countries to resolve their differences peacefully and has offered to mediate the dispute. However, it remains to be seen whether the two countries will be willing to compromise and end the conflict.

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