Ningbo City Image Exhibition Unveils Chinese Short Films in New Zealand

The 2024 Ningbo City Image Exhibition, held at the Miramar Creative Centre in Wellington, New Zealand, brought a taste of Chinese cinema to the country. The event featured the city image film “Ningbo” alongside six captivating short films directed by Chinese filmmakers. These films, including “Lost In Count,” “What You Can’t See,” “Where do Ants sleep at Night,” and “Graveyard of Horses,” explored themes of intimacy, women, humanity’s connection to nature, and artificial intelligence. They also showcased China’s breathtaking landscapes, modern urban life, and rich cultural heritage.

Co-curated by the 30°Ningbo Short Film Festival and the New Zealand Showtime Short Film Festival, the screening marked Ningbo’s first foray into the New Zealand film scene. It attracted a diverse audience, including local film professionals, Victoria University film students, and curators from the New Zealand International Film Festival (NZIFF). The six films presented captivated viewers with their unique styles and profound narratives, sparking conversations and inspiring emotions. “Lost In Count,” for instance, left a lasting impression by showcasing the resilience of athletes in the face of competition. “What You Can’t See” challenged viewers with its thought-provoking visuals and narrative, while “Graveyard of Horses” offered a contemplative exploration of the delicate connections between women, animals, and nature.

Following the screening, filmmakers offered fascinating insights into their creative processes and behind-the-scenes experiences. A post-screening discussion, led by Chinese filmmaker Lulu and Gina, Chairperson of the Showme Short Film Festival, delved into the process of “Discovering Inspiration and Translating it into Visual Narratives.” Gina expressed her enthusiasm for the growing appreciation of Chinese cinema in New Zealand, hoping the event would encourage further cultural exchange and understanding. She also extended an invitation for more people to visit China and experience its beauty firsthand.

This event in New Zealand, part of the 2024 Ningbo City Image Exhibition’s international tour, showcased the power of film to foster appreciation for diverse cultures and uncover universal emotional connections. It aimed to share captivating Chinese stories with a global audience, reflecting the ongoing exploration of storytelling and cultural exchange in contemporary filmmaking.

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