North Korea Embraces Cult of Personality with Kim Jong Un Pins

In a move signifying a further development of the cult of personality surrounding Kim Jong Un, North Korean officials were photographed wearing pins bearing his portrait for the first time. The images, released by state media on Sunday, show officials attending a key meeting chaired by Kim, sporting the typical party logo pin on their right lapels and, on their left chests, a pin depicting Kim’s face against a red background resembling a flag. This meeting, the 10th Plenary Meeting of the 8th Central Committee of the Workers’ Party of Korea, commenced on Friday and focuses on reviewing the party’s performance during the first half of the year, according to state news agency KCNA.

The Kim dynasty, which has ruled North Korea since its inception following World War II, has consistently employed the strategy of building cults of personality around its leaders to strengthen its grip on power. Earlier this year, North Korean media published photographs displaying Kim Jong Un’s portrait prominently alongside those of his father, Kim Jong Il, and his grandfather, national patriarch Kim Il Sung. This apparent move aimed to solidify Kim Jong Un’s status as a leader on par with his predecessors. Further emphasizing this trend, in April, the state-controlled Korean Central Television, which has been banned by South Korea, aired a music video for a propaganda song praising Kim Jong Un as a “friendly father” and a “great leader.”

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