Northern Border Sees Record Number of Migrants Amid Southern Border Focus

The northern border of the United States is witnessing a surge in illegal crossings, with apprehensions reaching record levels. This trend has raised concerns among experts and officials, who point to the diversion of resources from the northern border to address the ongoing crisis at the southern border.

One expert, Lora Ries, Director of the Heritage Foundation’s Border Security and Immigration Center, argues that the constant focus on the southern border has led to a neglect of the northern frontier. “The southern border always gets the attention and, therefore, gets the resources and the money, and the northern border then has vast areas that are just wide open,” she told Fox News Digital. This shift in focus, Ries contends, has exacerbated the situation at the northern border.

The Swanton Border Sector, which covers a significant portion of the Canadian border, has seen a dramatic increase in apprehensions this fiscal year, surpassing the previous 13 years combined. This sector alone has recorded roughly 15,000 apprehensions in the first 10 months of fiscal 2024, a stark contrast to the approximately 1,000 apprehensions recorded in 2021.

The surge in crossings is not limited to the Swanton sector, as the Canadian border overall witnessed a record-breaking 190,000 encounters in fiscal 2023, followed by over 162,000 encounters in the current fiscal year. These numbers highlight the growing strain on resources and personnel tasked with border security.

Adding to the complexity of the situation, authorities have apprehended over 1,100 known or suspected terrorists at the northern border between 2021 and 2023, more than half the total number apprehended nationwide during that period. This alarming figure underscores the potential security risks associated with the influx of migrants.

Ries attributes the surge in illegal crossings to the Biden administration’s immigration policies, which she argues have created an incentive for people to attempt entry into the United States. She also emphasizes that the administration’s focus on the southern border has resulted in fewer resources being available to secure the northern border.

The White House, however, maintains that President Biden is committed to securing the border and addressing the broken immigration system. They argue that Congressional Republicans have failed to act on bipartisan solutions to this issue. The administration also points to recent actions taken to reduce encounters at the southern border and enhance removal capabilities along the northern border.

Despite these efforts, critics remain unconvinced, citing the administration’s decision to restart the controversial CHNV parole program as further evidence of their permissive immigration policies. This program, which was previously shut down due to concerns of fraud, is seen as potentially exacerbating the burden on the northern border.

The debate over border security and immigration policy continues, with experts and politicians alike acknowledging the complex challenges facing the country. The escalating number of crossings at the northern border serves as a stark reminder of the need for comprehensive solutions that address the underlying causes of migration and ensure effective border management.

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